All districts are responsible for carrying out four standard functions:
- Membership
The membership function strives for growth through the organization of new Scouting units, through new members and adult volunteers joining existing units, and through the retention of current members. - Fund Development
The fund development function sees that the district provides its share of funds to the total council operating budget. - Program
The program function concentrates on helping Scouting units with camp promotion, special activities including community service, training adult volunteers, and youth advancement and recognition. - Unit service
The unit service function provides direct coaching and consultation for unit volunteers to help ensure the success of every Scouting unit.
The membership, fund development, and program functions are carried out by members of the district committee. The unit service function is carried out by the district commissioner staff.
The order in which the functions are listed is not meant to suggest the order of their importance but the natural interrelationship and flow of the functions. The movement cannot achieve its purpose without first organizing units and enrolling members. The district cannot support its units without the funds to do it. Unit programs are supported by the district through its program functions and unit service. All four functions are equally important and necessary. If one suffers from lack of attention, all the work of the district suffers.
The district advancement committee implements procedures that help achieve BSA advancement procedures. The committee helps Cub Scout packs, Boy Scout troops, Varsity teams, and Venturing crews succeed. Units help youth members advance in rank. If they advance, they will have a good experience and will grow in their Scouting adventure.
- Reports to the district chair.
- Stimulates advancement and of Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, and Venturers.
- Ensures units establish and maintain proper advancement procedures in accordance with national policies.
- Recruits and orients enough of the right kind of people for all aspects of the committee function.
- Establishes district advancement goals, develops a plan to achieve them, and track their attainment.
- Assists packs, troops, teams, and crews and evaluates their progress as needed.
- Monitors rank advancements throughout the year and provides assistance to units with little or no advancement.
- Coaches troop, team and crew leaders in methods for conducting boards of review and courts of honor.
- Recruits and trains an adequate group of merit badge counselors for the district.
- Publishes and maintains a current list of merit badge counselors.
- Maintains this record on the district website accessible to units.
- Implements council advancement and recognition programs.
- Reviews and approves Eagle Scout service project plans submitted by Eagle Scout candidates via District Eagle Board.
- Participates in troop/crew boards of review.
- Conducts district-level Eagle Scout candidate boards of review via District Eagle Board.
- Promotes crew review boards led by the crew president for Gold/Silver/Ranger awards.
- Reviews Eagle Scout candidate appeals if a unit denies their application or turns them down at the board of review.
- Provides physical facilities and experts in advancement fields that are difficult for units to secure.
Finance Chair for the district has the following responsibilities.
- Reports to the district chair.
- Ensures implementation of council finance policies.
- Serves as a member of the council fund development committee.
- Recruits and trains a committee to support tasks provided by the council finance committee.
- Promotes the district’s share of council finance campaigns.
- Organizes and carry out a successful Friends of Scouting annual campaign, and meet the goal by the targeted date in conjunction with the FOS campaign chairs.
- Supports the council “project selling” programs.
- Supports the council endowment/major gifts development plan.
- Informs units of the unit fundraising policy and assist in the review and approval of unit requests.
- Supports district activities that involve income and expenses, ensuring proper policy and controls.
- Provides recognition to donors, along with information on how their dollars helped serve youth.
Successful funding of the council is the direct result of successfully conducted fund development programs within each district. Each district within the council has funding goals. These goals are based upon a fair-share formula, based on the potential of the district and the needs of the council. The district fund development chair assists in determining and raising the goals.
The primary mission of the marketing committee is to assist the district in conveying the benefits of Scouting to the general public and the Scouting family. The marketing program should create and maintain a climate of support and understanding that will assist the district in achieving its objectives.
- Reports to the District Chair.
- Works with the advisement and approval of the Council Marketing Committee.
- Works with the district program chairs and council staff to develop and implement a marketing plan utilizing all event and communications opportunities to reach target audiences.
- Utilizes all media sources to create a high public visibility of the district and council including Facebook and Twitter.
- Help plans and executes marketing programs that will strengthen chartered organization relationships on a year-round basis.
- Develops marketing opportunities, both internal and external, to provide public recognition of volunteers with a particular emphasis on unit-related personnel in conjunction with Recognitions program.
- Serves as a resource for all internal printed material, with an emphasis on the district’s and/or council’s monthly newsletters, blogs and social media.
- Works with the district executive to develop an annual plan for monthly marketing emphasis.
The district membership committee gathers information on prospective chartered organizations, helps organize new units, reorganizes dropped units and units not meeting, and recruits new members in a systematic way. It establishes and maintains mutually beneficial relationships with major community organizations and strategic alliances, both those with and without Scouting units. These include religious, educational, civic, fraternal, and veteran organizations and associations; business and industry; professional societies; and other organizations with objectives compatible with the Boy Scouts of America.
- Reports to the district chair.
- Recruits enough of the right kind of people to support all functions of the committee.
- Serves on the council membership/relationships committee.
- Establishes a year-round plan for unit and membership growth.
- Recruits and trains new-unit organizers.
- Works with district training teams to provide new units with trained personnel.
- Plans and conducts youth and chartered organization surveys.
- Cultivates relationships with potential chartered organizations and community groups.
- Shares with other district leaders how to work effectively with various types of organizations.
- Organizes new packs, troops, teams, and crews to meet the needs of serving youth in your district.
- Analyzes district membership figures for all program levels.
- Insures that a new unit is under the care of a commissioner before the organizer leaves.
- Conducts membership events in the district: (a) roundup plans, (b) Together Plan, (c) relationships conferences.
- Tracks and attains membership growth objectives annually as defined through the council’s strategic plan.
The district nominations committee has the responsibility (as specified by Occoneechee Council bylaws) to select a slate of competent officers and district members at large. Proper election procedures are followed according to the bylaws. The nominating committee is also a resource for recruiting additional district committee personnel. Collectively, the committee should have knowledge about the district, have extensive contacts in the community, and know where to locate the best prospective district officers and committee members. The chairman is nominated by the Council Executive and is vetted by the Council Nominating Committee.
The program chair’s and committee’s primary responsibility is to aid in recruiting and building an organization of volunteers to strengthen and enrich unit program by overseeing the district's program function and supporting the work of the district program volunteers.
- Reports to the District Chair
- Recruits, trains/orients, inspires, and motivates volunteers to carry out the committee functions through chairs for
- Cub Scout camping and outdoor program
- Boy Scout camping and outdoor program
- activities and civic service
- advancement and recognition
- district and council training events.
- Assist each chair in recruiting key committee chairs and members for Cub Scout camping and outdoor, Boy Scout camping and outdoor, activities and civic service, advancement and recognition, and training.
- Attends district committee meetings, reporting in the field of responsibility, while lending expertise to the decision-making process.
- Participates actively in building the program portion for the district in the council's strategic plan.
- Utilizes program reports and records to monitor progress, watch for changes, and respond to trends.
- Gives leadership to the annual process of program evaluation, goal setting, and program development that result in the annual district program planning calendar.
- Works cooperatively with Venturing to ensure that a quality program is coordinated with all planned activities and developed using all the resources of the district.
- Helps develop and achieve the goals in the program area to help the district improve in the Journey to Excellence program criteria annually.
- Follows the council activity budget process and requirements.
- Reports to the district program chair.
- Establishes district training objectives to train leaders, not just run training courses.
- Participates in council meetings dealing with training policies, program, and procedures.
- Recruits and orients enough of the right kind of people for the training committee and course instructors.
- Prepares an inventory of all leaders who need training.
- Plans, schedules, and coordinates an annual district training program based on district training inventory, which includes implementation of council training programs.
- Evaluates and reports on training progress.
- Maintains unit and district training records, and coordinates them with the council registrar.
- Offers training opportunities to every adult volunteer.
- Promotes attendance at all training courses to ensure maximum attendance and participation.
- Gives special assistance to untrained unit leaders.
- Approves applications for district training recognitions.
- Gives special attention to training new units and leaders in existing units, especially direct contact leaders.
- Works with Youth Protection Champion to ensure compliance with Youth Protection training.
- Tracks and attains training objectives.